Monday, November 7, 2011

Stroller Strides

As moms, it's so important to take good care of ourselves, while taking good care of our kiddos.  I've found that Stroller Strides classes are awesome for working out without worrying about child care and amazing for satisfying my need to connect with other moms in my neighborhood.

San Diego has many incredible stroller strides groups.  The scenery just couldn't be better in La Jolla Shores...the group does sprints along the beach and different strength and cardio exercises in the grassy area by the playground. 

The Carmel Valley Stroller Strides class is large and friendly, so you're sure to find a friend who works at your pace!  The setting is pretty killer too.  What an awesome way to spend a morning getting energized, laughing, sweating (if you want), and all the while being with your little one!  :)

There are many Stroller Strides programs across the country.  If you don't live in San Diego, check out their website to see if there's one in your area, or be like my friend, Laura who lives in Greenville, South Carolina, and open your own!  :)